The star of a popular Russian sitcom said that gay people in his country should be burned alive in ovens, to which the studio audience cheered.
Ivan Okhlobystin, star of a Russian show loosely based on the American show Scrubs, used gay slurs, and ranted about gay fascism in front of a crowd of fans during a spiritual event in Novosibirsk.
"I'd put them all alive in the oven…it's a living danger to my children,"Ria Novosti reports him saying. His additional comments that gay people are a danger to his six children, and should be stripped of their rights to vote garnered overwhelming applause, according to Buzzfeed.
Okhlobystin previously served as an Orthodox Christian priest until his priesthood was suspended in 2010. He also made a bid for the presidency in 2011.
After news of his statements grew, Okhlobystin tweeted that he received death threats from "sodomites," according to Buzzfeed.
Ivan Okhlobystin, star of a Russian show loosely based on the American show Scrubs, used gay slurs, and ranted about gay fascism in front of a crowd of fans during a spiritual event in Novosibirsk.
"I'd put them all alive in the oven…it's a living danger to my children,"Ria Novosti reports him saying. His additional comments that gay people are a danger to his six children, and should be stripped of their rights to vote garnered overwhelming applause, according to Buzzfeed.
Okhlobystin previously served as an Orthodox Christian priest until his priesthood was suspended in 2010. He also made a bid for the presidency in 2011.
After news of his statements grew, Okhlobystin tweeted that he received death threats from "sodomites," according to Buzzfeed.